...My baby you'll be!

Tricia's & Isaiah's Photo Session

Yesterday was a perfect day for a photo shoot, especially in the land of Chicago. The weather here really has been going through a "bipolar" change for the so called "Windy City". Summer here is beginning to feel a lot like Spring and Spring felt a lot more like Winter, so where does this leave our upcoming Autumn?

Anyways, let me get back on track...Yesterday was a perfect day for a photo shoot. When Tricia wanted to do a mother and son session, I wanted to come up with an idea that was different from what I normally do. Our first concept was to take photos near a carnival, as she describe her relationship with her son fun, outgoing and very close. I thought taking it at a carnival location would be perfect, however trying to find a location was difficult especially with the whole weather situation I described earlier. So it was onto plan B.

I had to brainstorm and figure out how can I still do what they wanted knowing that the idea of a carnival background was not a go! so I started to write things down and figure out what I could use or bring into the photo. I was really interested to see how these would come out as this would be my first time actually using props in my session. Most of the time when taking photos of my clients I usually relay on the location background, so why not something different! 

After minutes of thinking about what I was going to do I finally came up
with having a vintage look/feel for the shoot and simply adding only balloons. Next was finding the location, I finally picked Lord's Park Pavilion in Elgin, IL, simply because of the look it had with the buildings, brick walls and pound to over look. The shoot turn out great and working with Tricia and Isaiah was wonderful, for the time I spent with them it was fun and creative and I hope they enjoyed themselves as well. 

To check out this session, Visit the facebook page click CMBX Photography


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Daniel, I hope you continue to check out this blog :)

  2. I have probably watched this about a dozen times...in the last 5 minutes! Thank you again!! I love the music you paired to the reel!! It speaks exactly how I felt about him from the first day I discovered I have a little one on the way. I knew it was a boy and I knew he would change my life forever. He has a presence about him. He's here for a major purpose and I'm so proud to be his mother!!

    1. That means a lot that you enjoyed the session, hope to work with you again sometime. I also am glad you liked the reel video



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